
Hooked Transformer Config.

Module with a dataclass for storing the configuration of a transformer_lens.HookedTransformer model.

class transformer_lens.HookedTransformerConfig.HookedTransformerConfig(n_layers: int, d_model: int, n_ctx: int, d_head: int, model_name: str = 'custom', n_heads: int = -1, d_mlp: Optional[int] = None, act_fn: Optional[str] = None, d_vocab: int = -1, eps: float = 1e-05, use_attn_result: bool = False, use_attn_scale: bool = True, attn_scale: float = -1.0, use_split_qkv_input: bool = False, use_hook_mlp_in: bool = False, use_attn_in: bool = False, use_local_attn: bool = False, ungroup_grouped_query_attention: bool = False, original_architecture: Optional[str] = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, checkpoint_index: Optional[int] = None, checkpoint_label_type: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint_value: Optional[int] = None, tokenizer_name: Optional[str] = None, window_size: Optional[int] = None, attn_types: Optional[List] = None, init_mode: str = 'gpt2', normalization_type: Optional[str] = 'LN', device: Optional[str] = None, n_devices: int = 1, attention_dir: str = 'causal', attn_only: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, initializer_range: float = -1.0, init_weights: bool = True, scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx: bool = False, positional_embedding_type: str = 'standard', final_rms: bool = False, d_vocab_out: int = -1, parallel_attn_mlp: bool = False, rotary_dim: Optional[int] = None, n_params: Optional[int] = None, use_hook_tokens: bool = False, gated_mlp: bool = False, default_prepend_bos: bool = True, dtype: dtype = torch.float32, tokenizer_prepends_bos: Optional[bool] = None, n_key_value_heads: Optional[int] = None, post_embedding_ln: bool = False, rotary_base: int = 10000, trust_remote_code: bool = False, rotary_adjacent_pairs: bool = False, load_in_4bit: bool = False, num_experts: Optional[int] = None, experts_per_token: Optional[int] = None, relative_attention_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, relative_attention_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, decoder_start_token_id: Optional[int] = None, tie_word_embeddings: bool = False, use_normalization_before_and_after: bool = False, attn_scores_soft_cap: float = -1.0, output_logits_soft_cap: float = -1.0)#

Bases: object

Configuration class to store the configuration of a HookedTransformer model.

See for more details on the more complex arguments.

  • d_model (int) – The dimensionality of the embeddings.

  • d_head (int) – The dimensionality of each attention head.

  • n_layers (int) – The number of transformer blocks (one block = one attn layer AND one MLP layer).

  • n_ctx (int) – The maximum sequence length.

  • n_heads (int) – The number of attention heads. If not specified, will be set to d_model // d_head. (This is represented by a default value of -1)

  • d_mlp (int, optional) – The dimensionality of the feedforward mlp network. Defaults to 4 * d_model, and in an attn-only model is None.

  • d_vocab (int) – The size of the vocabulary. Defaults to -1, which means not set. If not set, will be automatically set from the tokenizer’s vocab size.

  • act_fn (str, optional) – The activation function to use. Always lowercase. Supports [‘relu’, ‘gelu’, ‘silu’, ‘gelu_new’, ‘solu_ln’, ‘gelu_fast’]. Must be set unless using an attn-only model.

  • eps (float) – The epsilon value to use for layer normalization. Defaults to 1e-5

  • use_attn_result (bool) – whether to explicitly calculate the amount each head adds to the residual stream (with a hook) and THEN add it up, vs just calculating the sum. This can be very memory intensive for large models, so defaults to False

  • use_split_qkv_input (bool) – whether to explicitly calculate the input of each head separately, with a hook. Defaults to false to save memory.

  • use_hook_mlp_in (bool) – whether to use a hook to get the input to the MLP layer. Defaults to false to save memory.

  • use_attn_in (bool) – whether to explicitly calculate the input of each attention head separately, with a hook. Defaults to false to save memory

  • use_attn_scale (bool) – whether to scale the attention weights by 1/sqrt(d_head)

  • ungroup_grouped_query_attention (bool) – whether to ungroup key and value heads, for models that use grouped query attention.

  • attn_scale (float) – The amount to divide attention scores by (if applicable). Defaults to sqrt(d_head)

  • model_name (str) – the name of the model, used to load weights from HuggingFace or initialized to “custom” if not passed

  • original_architecture (str, optional) – the family of the model, used

  • load (to help) – weights from HuggingFace or initialized to “custom” if not passed

  • from_checkpoint (bool) – Whether the model weights were loaded from a checkpoint (only applies to pretrained models)

  • checkpoint_index (int, optional) – The index of the checkpoint loaded (only applies to pretrained models).

  • checkpoint_label_type (str, optional) – Whether checkpoints are labelled by the number of steps or number of tokens.

  • checkpoint_value (int, optional) – The value of the checkpoint label (whether of steps or tokens).

  • tokenizer_name (str, optional) – the full name of the model, passed into HuggingFace to access the tokenizer. Only used when passing in custom config, if loading from pretrained then this is not needed.

  • use_local_attn (bool) – whether to use local attention - ie each destination token can only attend to source tokens a certain distance back.

  • window_size (int, optional) – the size of the window for local attention

  • attn_types (List[str], optional) – the types of attention to use for local attention

  • init_mode (str) – the initialization mode to use for the weights. Only relevant for custom models, ignored for pre-trained. We now support ‘gpt2’, ‘xavier_uniform’, ‘xavier_normal’, ‘kaiming_uniform’, ‘kaiming_normal’. MuP support to come. Defaults to ‘gpt2’.

  • normalization_type (str, optional) – the type of normalization to use. Options are None (no normalization), ‘LN’ (use LayerNorm, including weights & biases) and ‘LNPre’ (use LayerNorm, but no weights or biases), ‘RMS’ (use RMSNorm, including weights) and ‘RMSPre’ (use RMSNorm, but no weights or biases). Defaults to LN

  • device (str) – The device to use for the model. Defaults to ‘cuda’ if available, else ‘cpu’. Must be ‘cuda’ if n_devices > 1.

  • n_devices (int) – The number of devices to use for the model. Defaults to 1. Layers are loaded to support “pipeline parallelism”, where each device is responsible for a subset of the layers.

  • attention_dir (str) – Whether to use causal (aka unidirectional aka GPT-2 style) or bidirectional attention. Options are ‘causal’ and ‘bidirectional’. Defaults to ‘causal’

  • attn_only (bool) – Whether to only use attention layers, no feedforward layers. Defaults to False

  • seed (int, optional) – The seed to use for the model. Used to set sources of randomness (Python, PyTorch and NumPy) and to initialize weights. Defaults to None. We recommend setting a seed, so your experiments are reproducible.

  • initializer_range (float) – The standard deviation of the normal used to initialise the weights, initialized to 0.8 / sqrt(d_model). If init_mode is ‘xavier_uniform’ or ‘xavier_normal’, this value is instead treated as the gain parameter for the weight initialisation (a constant factor to scale the weights by). Defaults to -1.0, which means not set.

  • init_weights (bool) – Whether to initialize the weights. Defaults to True. If False, does not initialize weights.

  • scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx (bool) – Whether to scale the attention weights by 1/(layer_id+1), used by Mistral (Stanford) models for numerical stability when training in FP16. Defaults to False.

  • positional_embedding_type (str) – The positional embedding used. Options are ‘standard’ (ie GPT-2 style, absolute, randomly initialized learned positional embeddings, directly added to the residual stream), ‘rotary’ (described here: ) and ‘shortformer’ (GPT-2 style absolute & learned, but rather than being added to the residual stream they’re only added to the inputs to the keys and the queries (ie key = W_K(res_stream + pos_embed), but values and MLPs don’t get any positional info)). Sinusoidal are not currently supported. Defaults to ‘standard’.

  • final_rms (bool) – Whether to replace the final normalization (just before the unembed) with RMSNorm (ie no centering or bias, just scaling + weights). Only included because of a dumb bug in my original SoLU code. Defaults to False.

  • d_vocab_out (int, optional) – The size of the output vocabulary. Defaults to -1, which means not set. If not set, will be equal to d_vocab. Mainly useful for algorithmic tasks where the input and output vocabularies may be different.

  • parallel_attn_mlp (bool) – Whether to parallelize the attention and MLP layers - a weird cursed thing done by GPT-J. Means that mlp_out=MLP(ln1(resid_pre)) and resid_post=resid_pre+attn_out+mlp_out. Defaults to False.

  • rotary_dim (int, optional) – The dimensionality of the rotary embeddings, may be d_head in which case only the first rotary_dim dimensions of each head are rotated. Defaults to None, if positional_embedding_type==”rotary” post-init then sets it to d_head, i.e. “rotate all dimensions of the query and key”.

  • n_params (int, optional) – The number of (hidden weight) parameters in the model. This is automatically calculated and not intended to be set by the user. (Non embedding parameters, because the [scaling laws paper]( found that that was a more meaningful number. Ignoring biases and layer norms, for convenience)

  • use_hook_tokens (bool) – Will add a hook point on the token input to HookedTransformer.forward, which lets you cache or intervene on the tokens. Defaults to False.

  • default_prepend_bos (bool, optional) – Default behavior of whether to prepend the BOS token when the methods of HookedTransformer process input text to tokenize (only when input is a string). Defaults to True - even for models not explicitly trained with this, heads often use the first position as a resting position and accordingly lose information from the first token, so this empirically seems to give better results. To change the default behavior to False, pass in default_prepend_bos=False. Note that you can also locally override the default behavior by passing in prepend_bos=True/False when you call a method that processes the input string.

  • dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – The model’s dtype. Defaults to torch.float32.

  • tokenizer_prepends_bos (bool, optional) – This flag is set by set_tokenizer. It is set to True only when the tokenizer automatically prepends the BOS token if initialized with add_bos_token=True. We need this information to dynamically control bos prepending.

  • load_in_4bit (bool) – If this flag is set, then it’s assumed that parameters are 4-bit quantized with bitsandbytes. Currently only supported for Llama.

  • n_key_value_heads (int, optional) – The number of groups of heads that use the same key and value matrix. Only for models that use Grouped Query Attention.

  • post_embedding_ln (bool) – Whether to apply layer normalization after embedding the tokens. Defaults to False.

  • num_experts (int, optional) – The number of experts to use in the MoE layer. If set, experts_per_token must also be set. Set to None if not using MoE.

  • experts_per_token (int, optional) – The number of experts to use for each pass in the MoE layer. If set, num_experts must also be set. Set to None if not using MoE.

  • relative_attention_max_distance (int, optional) – The maximum distance between tokens for relative attention. If set, relative_attention_num_buckets must also be set.Only used in EncoderDecoder models, like T5.

  • relative_attention_num_buckets (int, optional) – The number of buckets to use for relative attention. If set, relative_attention_max_distance must also be set.Only used in EncoderDecoder models, like T5.

  • decoder_start_token_id (int, optional) – The start token id for the decoder. Only used in EncoderDecoder models, like T5.

  • tie_word_embeddings (bool) – Whether to tie the word embeddings and the output layer weights. Defaults to False. Only used in EncoderDecoder (T5) by now.

  • use_normalization_before_and_after (bool) – Whether to apply normalization (LN/RMS/etc) to both the input of an attn/MLP block and the output (before adding back to the residual stream). Currently only used in Gemma-2. Defaults to False.

  • attn_scores_soft_cap (float) – An optional softcap for attention scores pre-softmax. If used, it will map attn_scores -> soft_cap * tanh(attn_scores / soft_cap). As tanh’s output is in [-1, 1], this maps attn_scores to [-soft_cap, soft_cap], with little effect on small values, but squashing large values into that interval. Currently only used in Gemma-2. Defaults to -1.0, which means not set.

  • output_logits_soft_cap (float) – An optional softcap for output logits, currently only used in Gemma-2 (see attn_scores_soft_cap for details). Defaults to -1.0, which means not set.

act_fn: Optional[str] = None#
attention_dir: str = 'causal'#
attn_only: bool = False#
attn_scale: float = -1.0#
attn_scores_soft_cap: float = -1.0#
attn_types: Optional[List] = None#
checkpoint_index: Optional[int] = None#
checkpoint_label_type: Optional[str] = None#
checkpoint_value: Optional[int] = None#
d_head: int#
d_mlp: Optional[int] = None#
d_model: int#
d_vocab: int = -1#
d_vocab_out: int = -1#
decoder_start_token_id: Optional[int] = None#
default_prepend_bos: bool = True#
device: Optional[str] = None#
dtype: dtype = torch.float32#
eps: float = 1e-05#
experts_per_token: Optional[int] = None#
final_rms: bool = False#
from_checkpoint: bool = False#
classmethod from_dict(config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) HookedTransformerConfig#

Instantiates a HookedTransformerConfig from a Python dictionary of parameters.

gated_mlp: bool = False#
init_mode: str = 'gpt2'#
init_weights: bool = True#
initializer_range: float = -1.0#
is_layer_norm_activation() bool#
load_in_4bit: bool = False#
model_name: str = 'custom'#
n_ctx: int#
n_devices: int = 1#
n_heads: int = -1#
n_key_value_heads: Optional[int] = None#
n_layers: int#
n_params: Optional[int] = None#
normalization_type: Optional[str] = 'LN'#
num_experts: Optional[int] = None#
original_architecture: Optional[str] = None#
output_logits_soft_cap: float = -1.0#
parallel_attn_mlp: bool = False#
positional_embedding_type: str = 'standard'#
post_embedding_ln: bool = False#
relative_attention_max_distance: Optional[int] = None#
relative_attention_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None#
rotary_adjacent_pairs: bool = False#
rotary_base: int = 10000#
rotary_dim: Optional[int] = None#
scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx: bool = False#
seed: Optional[int] = None#
set_seed_everywhere(seed: int)#
tie_word_embeddings: bool = False#
tokenizer_name: Optional[str] = None#
tokenizer_prepends_bos: Optional[bool] = None#
trust_remote_code: bool = False#
ungroup_grouped_query_attention: bool = False#
classmethod unwrap(config: Union[Dict, HookedTransformerConfig]) HookedTransformerConfig#

Convenience function to avoid duplicate code from a common way config is passed to various components

use_attn_in: bool = False#
use_attn_result: bool = False#
use_attn_scale: bool = True#
use_hook_mlp_in: bool = False#
use_hook_tokens: bool = False#
use_local_attn: bool = False#
use_normalization_before_and_after: bool = False#
use_split_qkv_input: bool = False#
window_size: Optional[int] = None#